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Because you deserve to thrive during midlife

Let me take you by the hand and support you on a 3 month journey of nutrition and lifestyle change that’ll give you back your energy and your confidence so that you can navigate perimenopause with ease.


I see you:

You’re always on the go, feeling like you’re chasing your tail. Between work, kids, exercise and keeping the house tidy  – there’s not enough hours in the day and you’re exhausted.


You’re starting to wonder whether a drunken monkey has taken over the controls in your head. It feels like your brain is on a go-slow - you forget people’s names, words fall out of your head or you forget what you’re talking about half way through a sentence.


You’re lacking that confidence you used to have. Making decisions feels scary and you doubt your abilities – both at home and at work.

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You know in your gut that you don’t feel like yourself anymore. You know that something has to change. But with all the other plates you have to keep spinning, it feels overwhelming to try to pin down exactly what it is that’s making you feel that way, let alone find the time to wade through Google trying to learn how to sort it out.

What if someone could help you understand what’s happening to your body (and mind) during this life stage? Give you a clear set of actions to reset your approach to food and your lifestyle. Help you nourish your body so that midlife doesn’t have to feel like such a struggle?

you’re full of energy to get through everything on the daily to-do list with ease and still have enough left in the tank for date night when Friday rolls around.


your moods are more even and you’re less likely to flip the lid over small things


you feel more confident than you have done in ages. That anxiety is gone and life is just more fun.


you know how to make nutritious meals that taste good, support your health and all the family enjoy without spending hours in the kitchen or cooking separate meals.

You’re maintaining a healthy weight with no calorie counting, food guilt or feeling deprived of your favourite foods.


You’ve bumped yourself further up the priority list and that bit of time for you is giving you a new lease of life


You’re sleeping better – no more waking in the middle of the night and counting sheep to try to doze back off

Imagine if....

Let’s make those if’s your new reality

Over 3 months, using my 5 pillar approach, we’ll partner together to reset how you think and feel about food and your lifestyle so that you can be the very best version of you

Get to the Root

We’ll spend a little time exploring all the potential factors that might be contributing to or worsening your symptoms. Understanding the possible root causes helps us to know where to focus our attention for the 3 months.

This is for you if you:

want to put your own needs first for a change and feel prepared for whatever this life stage might throw at you;

want to learn about perimenopause and how nutrition and lifestyle can make a big impact on how you experience it;

want to shake off some the niggly symptoms you’re experiencing and just feel like yourself again

are ready and willing to make the changes needed to your diet and lifestyle, no matter how small

need something sustainable, that can last long after the 3 months, and works around your busy schedule

This is not for you if you're:

looking for a quick fix or aren’t yet ready to make the changes needed to make a real impact on your health;

looking for someone to tell you exactly what to eat for every meal, every day of the week;

too busy and don’t feel you have the time or the headspace to fully engage with the changes needed;

interested in using a low-calorie, keto, paleo or vegan approach to eating

Here's what your 3 month Reset looks like:

Reset is a 3 month nutrition and lifestyle mentoring program that explains why you feel the way you do and equips you with the tools to improve your symptoms so you can get back to living the life you truly want.

As part of the program, you get:

  • an initial 75 minute consultation – this allows us to understand where you’re at, go through your medical history, food diary and identify what your goals are for the 3 months.

  • A nutrition and lifestyle plan tailored to you and your goals – there’s no silver bullet for supporting your health through perimenopause. We’re all different, so your plan needs to work for you – your life, your needs, your goals. We’ll take things at a pace that works for you and build on your progress at each session. No added stress here

  • 5 x mentoring / follow-up sessions – we’ll get back together every 2-3 weeks for 30 minutes to check in with how you’re getting on and figure out what’s working, what’s not and where to go to next. The last session will focus on how to ensure your new habits stick with you and support you on an ongoing basis.

  • WhatsApp voice note check-ins – between sessions, we’ll have a quick catch up via voice note to answer any questions or address any obstacles sooner rather than later.

  • Ongoing support (Monday to Friday) – you’ll have access to me via email whenever you need to ask a question or need some extra support

To get your Reset started,

the investment is €299 (or 2 installments of €149.50)

I'm Susan and I'll be your guide

A Nutritional Therapist (in her 40's) that's nuts about female health and hormones. I believe we all deserve to know how to use diet and lifestyle to our advantage - to work with our hormones and not against them, so that we can feel amazing at any age.


Come and learn how

perimenopause nutritionist

Frequently asked questions:

I'm not sure if this is the right option for me?

That’s okay, you don’t need to decide without us chatting first! The best thing to do is to book in for a free call and we can talk through your needs and see which option is best. I’ll be totally honest with you about what I think will suit you best and you can go away and consider the options before making a decision.

How much time will I need to invest while I'm working with you?

The Reset 1:1 mentoring program includes an initial consultation of 75-90 minutes to get all your background information and clearly set out your goals. We then meet online every 2-3 weeks for 30-minutes. We will also check-in informally via WhatsApp voice notes each week just to briefly check in and see how things are going. Beyond that I would recommend to set aside 1 - 2 hours a week to plan and prep your meals so that you can focus on implementing the actions we're working on. There isn't (unfortunately!) a magic wand when it comes to improving our health and wellbeing. And I can’t come around to shop and cook for you, however I will be there to keep you motivated and on track as you put the changes into practice.

I have other health conditions too. Can you help with these as well as my hormones?

Absolutely. While my personal area of interest is around perimenopause support, us women are complex beings and there's rarely just 1 thing that needs a little bit of focus to help you feel better. Nutritional therapy looks at you as a whole person and takes into account any symptoms, health conditions or medical history you have to find all of the possible things that might be contributing to your health concerns. We then put in place a plan that helps to address any or all of those things to try to bring everything back into a more balanced state. It's common for women, especially over 40 to come to me with thyroid issues, autoimmune conditions, digestive problems, allergies and more.

Do you provide meal plans as part of the 1:1 programmes?

I don't provide full weekly meal plans to any clients that I work with - let me explain why. I like to provide guidance on how to create balanced plates of food to ensure that you are getting all of the nutrients you need, but allow you the flexibility to choose the contents of those plates. This makes the approach more sustainable and gives you the knowledge and skills that you can use long after we finish working together.

What if I need more support after the 3 months?

No problem. I won't leave you in the lurch if you want to keep some accountability and support in place. We can discuss options for adding on more follow-up coaching sessions to help you keep on track with your goals as you near the end of the initial 3 month period.

I need to lose weight. Will I have to track calories, macros and weigh all my food?

Not if you don't want to. Tracking your food can be a useful tool to get an insight into your current calorie intake and macronutrient balance. But tracking long-term can be tedious and obsessive. It's not something I have time for, so I don't expect my clients to either. That being said, being in a (sustainable) calorie deficit is needed for losing weight and shifting body fat so if we're not seeing progress, we may look at some sort of food diary over a short period of time so that we can identify where we need to make tweaks to help get you moving towards your goals. But this can take many forms and is something we discuss and agree the best approach between us.

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